Tag: Firmware
Bringing Back the Stellaris Evalbot
TLDR; https://github.com/albertskog/stellaris-evalbot-fw In my pile of old development kits is this little robot from Texas Instruments. The microcontroller on it is the LM3S9B92, an old (and, I seem to recall, fairly buggy) ARM Cortex-M3 chip. It must have gathered dust for around ten years at this point, but I did not want to throw it…
Strict Aliasing – yet another way for C-code to blow up
Recently, I got to learn about Strict Aliasing in C. It is yet another thing that can cause your C code work perfectly fine today and then blow up because of Undefined Behavior down the line. One example of what not to do is casting an array of uint8_t (like a payload from a communications…